Hopin: digital event platform

At Storycatchers we are fans of Hopin, an all-in-one digital event platform developed from the participant’s point of view. And we think that’s a good starting point.

Building a stable, versatile and yet intuitive platform for virtual and hybrid events is not easy. But at Hopin they have succeeded.

Hopin has a lot to offer as a virtual event platform.



Hopin platform stage screenshot
Hopin platform stage screenshot

Let your keynote presenters shine

Most events, both virtual and physical, are built around one or more plenary sessions. For those parts, Hopin has provided a real stage, by analogy with physical events.

So this part is most similar to how classic webinar software works: you show a live stream to your participants on which they can ask questions, chat with each other or answer polls.


Interactive breakout rooms for your workshops

Of course, during an event there are topics that are less suitable for a plenary session. Or you may want to give several sessions at the same time. For such moments you can use the session functionality within Hopin.

In the sessions, up to 20 people can simultaneously share their camera and sound and engage in conversation. You can also choose to keep it a little simpler and have your presenter give a presentation.


Connect with the other participants

The biggest lack in virtual events is undoubtedly the networking moment where you get to know new people or bump into old acquaintances.

Hopin has a built-in networking feature where you can meet other participants via video chat. Met someone interesting? Then simply exchange contact information so you can stay in touch after the event.


Discover event partners

An event, whether physical, hybrid or fully digital, is not something you organise alone. Sponsors and partners are happy to help you organize, but in return they want some visibility.

Thanks to the virtual expo, you can let each partner or sponsor man a virtual exhibition stand.In such a stand a video can be shown, a presentation can be given or you can give more information to interested parties via video chat.


Even more possibilities

Hopin contains many more features, including

  • a built-in registration system
  • fully customizable automatic e-mails, both in terms of content and look & feel
  • extensive statistics about attendance, involvement and interactions
  • a mobile app so that your participants can participate in your event anytime and anywhere

Hopin Certified Agency

When organizing an event, your organization does not want to deal with the technical aspect.That is why Storycatchers does all the configuration and makes sure that your event is set up exactly the way you want it. That way, you as an organization can focus on what’s really important: the content of the event.

Storycatchers is one of the 30 global Hopin Certified Agencies, which means we are recognized by Hopin for our knowledge of the platform and the quality with which we support clients. This gives us access to additional information and features that allow us to help clients even better.